Sunday, January 22, 2012

Nothing quite like it... this side of heaven!

Sunday morning began with an excellent, American-style breakfast before we headed to Grace Place in Wiang Pa Pao. It's impossible to describe all we experienced in just a few short hours.

Here's a quick list:

1. Growth of Grace Place - In just two years - our home has grown from 20 children to 41 children. All this is possible because of the faithful support of God's people at Wooster Grace for the last, the least. and the lost.

2. Heartfelt, intense worship - I just wish you could watch the children as they worship God, pray and celebrate together. Frankly, this puts most of us, who are often inhibited in our emotions with God, to shame.

3. Diverse ministry - We were excited to see, not only the orphan home, but a new boys' dorm, the widows' home, the worm house, the mulberry trees used for creating silk products and much more because of the eternal investments of God's people.

4. Gratitude, gratitude, gratitude - Whether we passed out candy (what child doesn't like that?!!), gifts, pictures of our family, purchased small items from widows, or just worshipped with the children - everyone was so appreciative of our presence. Just can't be described!

5. Still a great need - Our church helped construct a bamboo boys' dorm so, as the children grow older, the boys and girls live in separate buildings. However, this dorm is temporary and needs to be replaced by a more permanent structure.

After several hours in Wiang Pa Pao, we returned to Chiang Mai where we visited the GROW home and enjoyed, the familiar face of Pastor Ivanildo, fellowship with Faa, the love of her 8 children, and DQ ice cream cake to celebrate a birthday (That's right ... DQ!!).

What an amazing day to experience a taste of what heaven will someday provide!

Pastor Bob

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